The stable yard

Riding school

Horses are at the centre of what we do here at Pathhead. Our stable yards are open and accessible, and our staff are always happy to help.

We offer a variety of activities and services here on the farm. You can find a more detailed price list here.

All our ponies here are loved. They are treated with respect for their individual needs and never over-worked. They are well-fed, have set days off and their health and well-being monitored.

Riding Lessons.

We offer riding lessons to people of all ages and abilities. We offer private lessons to those who want 1-1, and group lessons for those who want a more social experience. These lessons vary from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Our lessons are designed to be fun and exciting whilst maintaining high safety standards. You can find our do's and don’ts for horse riding lessons here.

Hacking / Trekking

Pathhead is surrounded by beautiful glens and country roads and our horses are always happy to go out adventuring. Our hacks vary in experience levels from a 'Half&Half' for newer riders or mixed-level groups (half the time in the school, followed by a ride out along the farm tracks!), to three-hour rides for those who are more confident up on a horse.

Pony Rides

We have a number of ponies here on the farm that just love to go on walks too. We offer short pony rides of varying lengths for beginners.

Adopt a Pony

Those who want to learn more about pony ownership can ‘adopt’ one of our ponies for the day. Adopters will learn how to feed and care for their pony, as well as ride it. This is suitable for complete beginners, as well as those who are more experienced and want to learn more about horse care.

Pony Club

Pathhead Farm is a proud member of The Pony Club, and Pony Club members can join and participate in all Pony Club activities here at the farm (Pony Club membership is required). We also offer Pony Club Camps in Spring, Summer, and Autumn. Camps are open to members and non-members. For more information, please contact us.

Other Services.

It is possible to hire our indoor and outdoor school facilities, and our two-horse trailer. Please contact us for more information. We also offer a full livery here at Pathhead. For more information, check out our livery page.

If you have further questions or would like to enquire please don't hesitate to contact us