This is Kris our wonderful Wwoofer

Meet Kristin, She is from Canada. Don't call her American. Kris is a chemistry and biology teacher in real life but for some inexplicable reason she has chosen to come and help out at Pathhead for a few months. We all adore Kris, for somebody who is 'allegedly' really bright, she is as daft as a brush, a whole collection of brushes in fact! (Should we call a collection of brushes a 'sweep' of brushes?) Kris is one of our Wwoofers (see the blog page) and has proved to be invaluable in all sorts of ways. She turns her hand to just about any job going but is particularly adept at painting, either, in the riding school painting the boarding with a roller or in the shed painting the most beautiful signs with a tiny paint brush. Give her a long enough brush and she could paint the roof of the Sistine Chapel.