In news this week, Pathhead farm has finally got its new web site up and running (with many thanks to Benjamin and India). After our rather old and clunky web site this is like a breath of fresh technology. It feels good to be back in control (?) and I hope you enjoy rummaging through it, finding some interesting bits of info or news about what’s going on with us.
Headlines. Major new road infrastructure addition to Pathhead has just been completed this week. This new stretch of highway has been officially named, with a ribbon cutting ceremony carried out by Kimberly Gorrell. The Minty Way is to be our new and exciting portal to a world of individual paddocks for our more discerning ponies. Road construction carried out by 'Couper and Bruce, (Ye could do with a half inch o'tar on that Sur) Road builders to the Romans and tea drinkers extaordinaire.
Kim, seen here with Olivia and Minty doing the official ribbon cutting bit - very posh. Next picture Not quite so posh!
In even more exciting news - We’ve got a new caravan! I really hate caravans. Every time I’ve bought one (or got one) they’ve always been rubbish and falling to bits. Not this one. It’s in really good nick and I plan to keep it that way. This caravan is not for tourists or holiday makers but is actually to house our WWOOFERS. These are young folk (or sometimes, not so young) who wish to volunteer on organic farms or market gardens for a limited period of time. They come on a voluntary basis and live and eat with the families that they’re working for. They come from all over the world and with the lifting of covid rules, thankfully that world is once again opening up for us all and we hope to greet our first wwoofer in April if discussions (and visa’s) go ok.
Why do we need a wwoofer you ask? Well, one of the many things that we will be expanding into, is fruit and vegetable production. Albeit of a limited nature. Where we have the small quarantine paddock at the moment is going to be the new home of our glasshouse and will have a 27’ x 75’ commercial polytunnel erected by spring time. Our poor, old glasshouse (lovely thing that it is) is going to be dismantled very soon and re-built (again) down in the new veg area.
Well, with all the changes that we’re proposing over the next three years, we are going to have to rehouse at least 16 -18 horses and ponies into a new purpose-built stable block (Plans of new layout will be available in the livery shed to view as this blog is being published) and Angus council planning office will shortly be receiving drawings for their perusal, and hopefully their permission. The site for these new stables is immediately behind our existing stable block next to the outdoor riding school where the glasshouse currently resides.
After suffering the gales of the past couple of months, one of the most important things we can do is plant more trees and hedges around the farm to give our horses and ponies some greater protection from winter weather. Unfortunately we will also be taking out one or two of our more mature trees to make room for our new building projects. Believe me – it hurts. Wherever we can save them we are doing so, and we will be replanting vastly more than we’re taking out. That’s a promise.
We’re making a new quarantine paddock up beside the tree nursery which we’ll bound with a beech and hawthorn hedge. Both species are incredibly robust and make a great habitat for wee birdies and all the various beasties that they like to eat – as well as being horse safe.
We will be planting quite a few native and ornamental trees around the policies over the next month or so including some fairly mature apple trees which we are moving from Fairlie house as development work is away to start there soon. These trees were given to the community and are all named heritage varieties. We will do our best to rehome them safely.
Lots more blethers to come.
Ally Bruce